Sales and Client Management Privately

Keep track of your leads and Close those opportunities

Because the most expensive thing you can do in sales is spend your time on the wrong potential client.

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"There is no weapon or tool in your sales arsenal that is more important or impactful to your long-term income stream than your prospect database(CRM). Nothing. Your database of prospects is what helps you make a living now and in the future. It does not make a difference what you sell; a well-managed, living, breathing prospect database is a golden goose that keeps on giving." -Jeb Blount

Manage Your Clients

Allows you to manage all of your contacts details and tasks related to those contacts without having to remember everything.

Track Your Leads

Keeps you organized, manages your pipeline, and saves your deals and relationships from getting derailed.

Use Your Information

Allows you to segment and sort your prospect database and build prospecting lists based on any field or group of fields in the database. This makes you exponentially more effective and efficient in your prospecting activities.

Close The Deal

Helps you systematically qualify potential clients so that you move them up the prospecting pyramid.

A simple yet powerful dashboard that's built for sales

Quickly and easily manage all of your sales activities in one place

Centralised Contact Management

A clear and simple address book shared amongst your sales team. Easily see the full history of all activities attached to any client

Generate and Manage Your Leads

Manage your leads based on useful data (on pages viewed, localisation, time). Set actions based on lead score and team availability. See clearly which lead deserves to be converted into the next opportunity.

Create and Customise Your Sales Pipelines

Get a clear overview of your sales pipeline. Work faster with the drag & drop interface. Create "next steps" for each sales team.

Your contacts, your leads and your sales pipelines are all effortlessly managed in one place. And as always... Privately.

Any Device. Anywhere.

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