Your Home Of Independence And Privacy

Your privacy 100% guaranteed. All the power of the cloud, but very, very different.
We're making your files yours again. You can still use them anywhere and everywhere, but you can now have full control of who can see and access them.

In a world full of technology why is privacy so hard to achieve?

  • Why as customers is it on us to hunt for the tucked away privacy settings and turn them off.
  • Why when we’ve paid for a service are we still bombarded with advertising of new paid features.
  • Why are we having to pay good money only for Big Tech to train their AI using our data. And then charge us more again down the line when it becomes a feature.
  • Why is it still hard to know where our data sits and exactly who can see it.

We at Liberation Tech value privacy. We value it a lot. Why?

  1.  It’s should be a basic human right.
  2. It’s the foundation of a very good security policy.
  3. Your business with your clients is exactly that. Your business.
  4. If your clients ask you where their data is stored, we want you to be able to answer with certainty and put their mind at ease.

Searching through the vast number of online business tools can be mind-blowing and daunting. Then having to talk to a chatbot, that’s just interested in pushing you through a funnel towards a sale…

We like to do things a little differently. Your business is personal and as individual as you are. Your tools should reflect that  and enhance your strengths and bolster your weaknesses. We want to be a face that you know and trust to point you in the right  direction whether our tools suit your current needs or not.

Work Independently in Privacy

Below are the tools that built our company. Born out of the requirement for privacy and data isolation in some of the most challenging business environments. We use them daily and are very happy to say “They are now available to you”. Take a look around and see that there are options available to small businesses that allow them to maintain their freedom and privacy without sacrificing business flexibility.

No more data stored on third party servers. No more cost per user access. Just the freedom to work how you work best.

Only buy the tools you need to do your job best and make your technology work for you again.

Talk with us.

Tell us your issues and what you want to be able to do and we’ll try to find the best solution to your needs with your privacy a top priority.

Work with Independence and Privacy

Business Tools That Offer You





The Swiss Army Knife of business tools. Whatever you need to do, it has you covered. Anywhere.


Your information made available where and whenever you need it


For 100% private file sharing


Quotes and Invoicing with nobody watching

Keeping your information in the right hands


Technical Solutions

Business tools that offer you Freedom, Privacy & Control

Choose your own path and discover Cloud as it was meant to be

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